Nauticmar is committed to making its website accessible in compliance with the Real Decreto 1112/2018, de 7 de septiembre, sobre accesibilidad de los sitios web y aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles del sector público.

This accessibility statement applies to the following website


This website is fully compliant with RD 1112/2018.


The content below is not accessible because of the following:

  1. The content does not fall within the scope of applicable law:
    1. At some point in time there may be PDF documents that are not fully accessible.
  2. Disproportionate burden.
    1. Not applicable.


This statement was prepared on August 30, 2023.

The method used to prepare the statement was a self-assessment conducted by

The statement was last revised on August 30, 2023.


  • You can make communications about accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a) of RD 1112/2018) such as:
    • Report any possible non-compliance by this website.
    • Transmit other difficulties in accessing the content.
    • Formulate any other query or suggestion for improvement related to the accessibility of the website.

Through the following contact form or by calling 962 363 015.

  • You can submit:
    • A Complaint regarding compliance with the requirements of RD 1112/2018 or.
    • A Request for Accessible Information relating to:
    • contents that are excluded from the scope of application of RD 1112/2018 as established by Article 3, paragraph 4.
    • contents that are exempt from compliance with accessibility requirements for imposing a disproportionate burden.

In the Request for accessible information, the facts, reasons and the request must be clearly specified to show that it is a reasonable and legitimate request.

Through the options set out in Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

Communications, complaints and requests for accessible information will be received and processed by the department responsible for each of the areas established on the website.


If, once a request for accessible information or complaint has been made, it has been rejected, the person concerned does not agree with the decision taken, or the response does not meet the requirements set forth in Article 12.5, the person concerned may initiate a complaint. A complaint may also be initiated in the event that the period of twenty working days has elapsed without a response having been received. Likewise, a complaint may be initiated in the event that the term of twenty working days has elapsed without having obtained any response.

The claim may be submitted through the options set forth in Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations.

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